The Impact

Chicks For Charity continuously lends to individuals around the world through an organization named Kiva. Kiva is a micro-lending organization that allows people like you, to help others all over the world (go to for more information). 100% of profits are lent to projects focused on women, education, and health in developing countries. By purchasing a chicken from Chicks For Charity you are supplying someone with the necessities for survival and success. 

Over the course of five years, Chicks For Charity has raised over $2,000, loaned over $10,000 (through multiple cycles) reaching 43 countries and contributed to everything from a new sanitary system for a village in Thailand, to supplying farm animals to women in Kenya.  Other examples of micro-loan projects include:

Francesca's BBQ restaurant

A loan helped to buy additional supplies such as wood, chickens, and other ingredients to expand traditional BBQ business

Shamshad's Clothing business

A loan helped to buy a greater variety of cloth and spools of thread in various colors to meet customer demand.

women's weaving collective

A loan helped a member to buy a new floor loom to produce "cortes" - traditional wraparound skirts.

rhea's fishing business

A loan helped to buy materials for a fish trap (known as bobo to locals) like plastic screen, bamboo, nails, and nylon (string).

Rosalie's Pig Farm

A loan helped to buy feeds and other supplies to raise her livestock

petronilla's grocery

A loan helped to buy more stock of vegetables

Pictures and project descriptions are the property of; they are re-used here in accordance with Kiva's Terms of Use Agreement